A Mother's Guide to Adequate Rest for Herself

Sleeping Mother and Baby

Motherhood is an exciting and rewarding experience, proving a joy and bond that is unmet by anything else in life. And until you experience it for the first time, almost nothing could prepare you for the ways a child opens your heart. And while you may be tempted to give everything you have to your precious little one, it's still important to take care of yourself.

One of the most vital ways that new mothers and mothers of newborns must perform self-care is making efforts to get adequate rest. A newborn will upset your former sleeping schedule, and so you'll need to develop a new approach to sleep. Without special effort, exhaustion can set it. Exhaustion not only limits your potential to care for and nourish your baby, but it also weighs heavily on the body.

If you delivered, your body is in a vital state of recovery, so it's especially important to give your body necessary rest. Without this, you can see your health, mood, and appearance start to suffer.


The need to get your rest means that your sleepy little one will need an alternative while you sleep. This is why parents swaddle babies. Swaddling is the art of snugly wrapping babies so that they feel warm and secure in a little blankie. Swaddling is also necessary to prevent suffocation.

Even better, though, is the proven fact that swaddling helps reduce crying. They may cry nearly half as often as those infants who aren't swaddled. Crying babies are more likely to wake young mothers, interfering with your rest. If you want to get fulfilling sleep, you need to get uninterrupted sleep. This means swaddling your babies, so they don't cry as often.

However, you can't swaddle forever.

Swaddle Transition

When your baby is growing large enough to sleep in a more spacious crib, rather than a smaller sleep environment like a bassinet, it's time to transition out of swaddling.

Why transition? You can't swaddle your baby forever. This limits their development and delays independent sleep. One of the most important ways that you can sleep better is to prioritize teaching your baby to sleep independently. When babies sleep alone, they sleep longer, cry less often, and sleep healthier. All these factors add up to you getting more peaceful, longer, and more fulfilling rest for yourself.

Sleeping Baby

How to Transition

It's important to know that a safe transition from swaddle is gradual. You don't simply lay your child with a loose blanket suddenly. Not only will your infant feel less secure and potentially cry more, but they are also more likely to roll over and suffocate.

The best swaddle transition techniques rely on the best swaddle transition products, like a Magic Sleepsuit. Products like these provide babies with a cozy and comfortable sleep environment that resembles swaddling. However, you save time and effort wrapping your infant in a blanket.

Swaddle transition products are designed to help your infant move a little more freely while they sleep, while also staying secure. Use it in a bare crib without a sleep positioner. Zip your baby into a cuddling suit, almost like an infant-sized snuggie without any loose parts, and they'll sleep comfortably.

And what does this mean for you? More comfortable, fulfilling rest.

To learn more about a swaddle transition product for your baby, like the Magic Sleepsuit, visit Baby Merlin Company's convenient and informative online store.

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