How to Deal with Sleep Regression

How to Deal with Sleep Regression

Your baby is blissfully sleeping through the night until one day, they wake you from a deep sleep in the middle of the night. It’s sleep regression time! Sleep regressions are extremely frustrating—you had such a good thing going and then your baby decides to switch it up.

If you're experiencing sleep regression or you've heard about it from frustrated parents and you're trying to prepare, here's everything you need to know.

When and Why Do Sleep Regressions Happen?

Sleep regressions usually happen around 4 months, 8–10 months, 12–18 months, and then again at 2–3 years. They usually coincide with developmental milestones such as learning how to roll over, crawl, or walk. These new skills require more energy for your baby so it can interfere with their sleep pattern.

Sleep regression is also thought to be linked to changes in a baby’s internal clock, hormones, and environment or due to psychological stress such as separation anxiety. It's important for parents to recognize the signs of sleep regression and take steps to stick to a routine.

How Long Does Sleep Regression Last?

A sleep regression typically lasts anywhere from 2–4 weeks but can vary depending on the individual baby. Remember that this is just a temporary blip in your baby's sleep pattern and eventually they’ll return to their normal sleeping habits.

Do Sleep Regressions Happen to Every Baby?

Sleep regressions are a normal part of development, so most babies experience them. However, that doesn’t mean every baby will have the same sleep regression experience. Some may only last for a few days while others could last for weeks or even longer.

How to Deal With Sleep Regression

There's no "right" way to get over a sleep regression but there are some things you can do to make it easier:

Remember They're Temporary

It's important to remind yourself that your baby will eventually be back to their old sleep habits. Keeping a positive mindset and reminding yourself that your baby can and will sleep through the night will help you stay patient during this trying (and tiring) time.

More Soothing Time

You may need to add even more soothing activities to your daily routine. This may include reading stories before bed, playing with a stuffed animal, or giving your baby a warm bath. All of these things can help your baby relax and promote better sleep.

Use Proper Sleepwear

Sleepwear doesn't just keep your baby at the right temperature; it can also mimic the comfort of the womb and help your baby keep from startling themselves awake. Swaddles, sleepsuits, and sleepsacks can all help keep your baby snug and get them the extra few hours of sleep they need.

Daytime Activities

Make sure your baby is getting plenty of outdoor time and activities during the day. This can help tire them out before bedtime and prevent them from becoming overtired at night. Taking walks, playing at the park, or just having some quiet time in the backyard are all great ways to keep your baby occupied throughout the day.

Easier Sleep Regressions With Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit

It can be a challenge to get your baby’s sleep schedule back on track after a regression but with some patience and dedication, it can be done. The Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit is the perfect sleep solution to get your little one back on track and sleeping through the night again.

It provides gentle, secure pressure that helps simulate being in the womb and soothes babies into deep sleep without swaddling or a heavy blanket. So get ready for your baby to have some magical sleep with the Baby Merlin Magic Sleep System.

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