How to Navigate Teething and Baby Sleep

How to Navigate Teething and Baby Sleep

As your little one develops, you'll find that they too go through growing pains, the most bothersome of which is teething. While it may seem scary to have to see your baby go through this change, there are ways you can help them get through the teething process with fewer interruptions to their sleep schedule.

With this advice, as well as with help from our Magic Sleep System of swaddle transition sleepwear, you can make this difficult period easier on both you and your little one!

What Exactly is Teething?

Teething is the process where a baby's first teeth emerge from their gums. It usually begins between 4-6 months of age and can be quite uncomfortable or even painful for them. 

Although it may last several months, symptoms are usually only present a few days before and after a tooth emerges. The most common symptoms associated with teething are fussiness or irritability, giving both you and your baby a difficult time.

Why Does it Interrupt a Baby's Sleep?

The pain of teething is the primary culprit for disrupting a baby's sleep. As a result, your little one may become more irritable during nighttime hours, making it harder for them to settle into a rhythm of sound sleep.

In addition, laying flat can make tooth pain worse, so they’ll be even fussier at night while trying to go to sleep.

How to Help Your Teething Baby

Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help your baby get the sleep they need despite their teething woes.

  • Offer them teething toys like those made of solid rubber or textured fabric for them to gnaw on while outside of their crib.
  • Increase nighttime feedings if needed; the extra nutrition might help them get through the night, even if they are particularly fussy.
  • Try contact napping, which is when you keep them upright and close to your body while they nap.
  • Rub their gums with a clean finger to add external pressure and relieve some of their discomfort.
  • Pacifiers can also help them feel comforted and soothed, helping them drift off into a peaceful slumber.

In addition to all of these tips, we can’t recommend transitional swaddle products enough – they keep your baby feeling comfortable at night while they go through the growing pains of teething!

What to Avoid

While there are many great options for parents looking to remediate their baby's teething pain, there are also some misconceptions about what works. Amber necklaces are one such example. They are marketed as a natural remedy for teething babies; however, the FDA has deemed them unsafe and advises parents not to use them.

Another thing to avoid is ignoring your baby's cries. Although some might believe that letting your baby cry it out is an effective sleep training technique, a teething baby is in pain and needs extra support to help them feel comfortable and relaxed enough to rest.

Give Your Teething Baby a Good Night’s Rest with the Baby Merlin Transitional Swaddle Products

At Baby Merlin, we know the challenges you’re facing when it comes to teething and how hard it can be to get your baby to sleep during this time.

That's one reason we've developed our Magic Sleep System of transitional swaddle products: a unique line of products designed to grow with your baby while keeping comfort in mind. Our cotton-rich, adjustable swaddle transition products help keep your little one comfortable and secure in their sleep, making teething a little bit easier.

For any questions, concerns, or comments, please don't hesitate to send an email or give us a call!

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